春暖花开 发表于 2014-10-28 15:26:44


本报讯: 2014年10月9号下午,梅兹(Metz)侬族印支退伍军人分会会长兼旗手郑国华荣获金质奖章!颁奖活动在梅兹军事总督管(Palais Du Gouverneur Militaire de Metz)隆重举行。法国政府总旗队通告退伍军会旗手,邀请金金奖章获得者、陆军兵工部队将军帕特里克(LE GENERAL DE CORPS D'ARMEE PATRICK RIBAYROL)和侬族会长郑国华(M. CHAN SANG CHENH)一同庆祝!将军帕特里克亲自把金章别在侬族会长兼旗手郑国华衣服上!郑国华对帕特里克将军表示诚挚的感谢!现场的军人们一齐为郑国华先生荣获金奖热烈鼓掌祝贺!


Z2r6Rr8ZJ2l2 发表于 2014-10-29 01:21:13

Each lesson we are almost always sweating.

Student, poor p90 beachbody education p90 method, the importance p90 price of teamwork.sports course thesis this semester elective physical education is the Latin aerobic in the p90 course of the semester, Each lesson we p90 workout are almost always sweating.

























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