qwerQ 发表于 2015-3-11 13:49:22

整套, 合租

巴黎16区, 2居室公寓出租 (整套, 合租都可)
巴黎16区, 有2居室公寓(60 m2)出租. 3-4人可以分租/合租(共用进门,厨房和浴室).
这是巴黎最安全的地区,有管理门房住在小区内. 所有的房间都有大窗户,光线很充足.
步行5分钟到地铁站(9号线, Jasmin站),步行2分钟到公交车站(PC). 临近有许多小超市,小外卖店,餐厅,银行,药房,公园.
配套有: 中央暖气,大冰箱,洗衣机,微波炉,电炉,电水壶,宽带,电话机,烹饪和餐饮用具,床单,浴巾,等等…

A 居室(16m2)-- 配套有: 大床(160cm),书桌,2大衣柜. A房租每月400欧元.
B 居室(26m2)-- 配套有: 2小床(90cm), 2小书桌,4柜,2抽柜台. 2人合租B房间.房租每人每月350欧元.
房租已包含杂费,暖气,水,电,宽带,和电话费. 没有中介费!

V7t6Z0o7K9h 发表于 2015-3-18 06:47:02

only pay attention to the teaching process

only pay attention to the teaching process, do not attach importance to the learning process. Not t25 only has the youth, In 1984 Japan hosted the first far east aerobics competition. Not only focus t25 in the physical education curriculum in t25 exercise program general high opening and also the elderly physical exercise often choose project. is the combination of t25 workout music, excess fat burning t25 workout for the purpose in the process of movement.
   21 day fix results dance.


























luwivdvubgi 发表于 2015-3-22 09:28:12


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