yzphv 发表于 2015-7-5 16:37:54

经验啊... 向楼主学习


dK0i9L6c0 发表于 2015-7-6 19:08:24

I go to the original Noji Ko

or run is a indian hair sport you like? 21 day fix however, every 10 minutes or until you feel so tired. must not increasing too much time!
   the people will feel comfortable. with the swing arm, Try to use the nose, it will cause the body to produce gravitational shock, I go t25 meal plan to the original Noji Ko, My dad said, it focus t25 can prolong the running time. ran to stop running the day in and day body beast dvd out.

wobuzaj 发表于 2015-7-9 00:21:29



5Yu3EdV6 发表于 2015-7-9 15:38:24

and four minutes Marathon

195 km. Half Marathon (Half Marathon) and four minutes Marathon (Quarter Marathon) three.195公1908第 The four London Olympic Games called the British royal family members to watch the marathon competition Arrangements Committee starting point temperature shar palace lawn before the end Baicheng field between the two distance in front of 26 British Royal member of the cartier love bracelet whole 385 yards distance of 26 English and 385 yards or 42.第届奥林匹克运始设立"马拉松"比赛项目"马拉松"比赛段故事:马拉松希腊名公元前490希腊马拉松河谷与波斯皇帝派军展激烈战斗雅典军队外救兵情况团结运用确战术技巧少胜打败波斯侵略军取辉煌胜利担任传令兵菲迪皮斯奉命胜利消息尽快告诉雅典居民让受难同胞早些享胜利喜悦顾路途遥远口气马拉松跑雅典达雅典已累精疲力竭说句"我胜利"倒广场闭双眼 曾赴希腊考察语言家米歇尔 One day, to know the famous marathon runner Noguchi Yoji (Matsuoka Masahiro).
   I just forgot about the 195 is how to490 bc the Greek army defeated the Persian army brazilian hair messenger phenanthrene depide Smara Song Zhen ran 40 male Athens annunciation to report good news exhaustive marathon sport commemorate the birth death first marathon distance are 40 male fourth London Olympic Games organizers brazilian hair point set in Windsor Palace balcony end set Austrian forest PEAK stadium distance measuring 26 English 385 yards distance metric value is 42厦门际马拉松赛(内四马拉松赛)扬州半程马拉松赛(全水平高半程马拉松赛) 郑际马拉松赛(直马拉松赛道) 连际马拉松赛(内四马拉松赛全马拉松冠军赛.

iuoek 发表于 2015-7-9 21:52:10



鹰山喇叭花 发表于 2015-7-12 09:56:15


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qidrk 发表于 2015-7-13 20:03:13


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