平园达 发表于 2015-7-8 05:43:52


        刚刚吃烧烤,和老板闲聊。他说他一家都是做烧烤生意的,舅舅在街东门卖烧烤,小姨子在西门卖烧烤。我当时脑子一抽,来了句:你老婆在哪里卖呢?顿时就看见老板手里的刀握的更紧了 。。

N3t2GaIe5 发表于 2015-7-8 19:41:03

to the friends of dance based.

posters, to the friends of dance based.
   the aunt aunt who are dancing. but using the method of associative memory, Because of the particularity of the square dance, > research, now singing, Jiangbei community square dance team, CCTV also reported the aunt who danced in Nanjing six feet square lane, etc. There is no square field can have comprehensive functions but also to comprehensive main functions and specific types of the square Among the residents of the old city plaza from the city planning principles cize video should not be positioned as freely sing and dance in the square so city square can see the square dance the key is how to locate what type of square If it is not square dancing really jumped to the public security organs to elevation training mask intervene to punish the nature second how to let the dancers cize happy and comfortable for the home Auntuncle from exercise from the rich life or from a personal hobby no matter from which angle together dancing are the reasonable needs of a group this demand is a dancer's public interests The realization and protection of rights and interests the carrier must have at least one open or spacious place In the agrarian age find a flat wasteland on the hillside just like the past broadcast on TV Ansai drum Now the city times you let people realize or protect public interests has become impossible can only rely on the piyo government to provide public services However when the lack of public services the city does not have the appropriate square square dance uncle aunt to sixfeet lane to the city square is understandable because this is clip in hair extensions the aunt uncle's public interests But the public and not at the expense of other residents living at t25 the expense of the interests of quiet life is possible and the possible around the basic needs of residents and indian hair residents of basic public interests Children need a quiet learning environment the old man needs a quiet environment and health middle-aged people busy day also need to return to a quiet home environment Uncle aunt square dance team Jaleo luoguxuantian high power amplifier even seriously disturbs the residents deafen the ear with its roar calm life damage their public interests third Zheng >

冬烨洋 发表于 2015-7-8 23:07:38


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