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Skype测试SkypeFind服务 电话号码变为付费广告
skypefind的一项创新在于,用户拨打其中一部分电话将是免费的,这些通话费用将由相应企业支付。skype对企业的收费将包括两部分,将电话号码列入名单的费用,louboutin pas cher,以及用户拨打电话的费用,louboutin。techcrunch认为,律师和管子工很有可能对这一工具感兴趣。互联网此前也曾出现过点击通话广告,christian louboutin,但将真实的电话号码转换为广告还是首次。在skype的新服务中,dolce gabbana,用户通过点击链接即可与正在寻找的企业联系,并且不必支付通话费用。这一服务类似电话黄页,这一产业的总价值达320亿美元,并且正在向互联网转移。
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this is the most popular of all t-fal fryers. it costs about 1 1/2 times more than the other two that we discuss, but it's also the best. many people say they're happy that they didn't go with a cheaper unit.,burberry soldes,据科技博客techcrunch报道,ralph lauren outlet,skype近日开始在欧洲和新西兰测试一种新的业务skypefind,相关的主题文章:
this is the most popular of all t-fal fryers. it costs about 1 1/2 times more than the other two that we discuss, but it's also the best. many people say they're happy that they didn't go with a cheaper unit.,将企业公布在网上的电话号码转变为通过skype的免费电话,并从中获得广告收入,jordan。
skype目前在全球拥有4.05亿用户,louis vuitton pas cher,相关的主题文章:
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this is the most popular of all t-fal fryers. it costs about 1 1/2 times more than the other two that we discuss, but it's also the best. many people say they're happy that they didn't go with a cheaper unit.,这对企业来说是非常具有吸引力的资源,sac louis vuitton。skypefind正是这样一种帮助企业与客户联系的工具。
skypefind是一款浏览器插件,需要与最新的skype 4.0客户端配合使用。该插件可以将网页上和搜索结果中的的电话号码转换为链接,点击该链接即可通过skype拨打电话。使用这一服务时,用户需要正常支付skype通话费用,dolce and gabbana。