
标题: 法国兴业银行:建议逢低买入欧元兑美元 [打印本页]

作者: anna    时间: 2013-2-5 11:09
标题: 法国兴业银行:建议逢低买入欧元兑美元
法国兴业银行:建议逢低买入欧元兑美元2013年02月04日 08:06  汇通网  我有话说

  法国兴业银行(20.33,-0.31,-1.50%)(Societe Generale)货币策略师嘉里(Sebastien Galy)表示,美国经济增长前景既不太热也不太冷,这样的状况使得美联储维持宽松性货币政策不变,而10年期美国国债收益率则仍然保持在当前水平。
  易汇通(yht.fx678.com)行情中心显示,北京时间08:05,欧元兑美元报1.3642/44。【看新闻 找错误 拿奖金】

作者: qq114666703    时间: 2013-2-26 09:31

永和会计考试证培训网 http://www.nhpx.org
作者: 大师你懂674    时间: 2013-2-27 16:15
2012 Seventeenth Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition is drawing to a close , from a show point of view , LED civil lighting market is not very optimistic , many LED companies will center on commercial lighting and road lighting , but LED civilian The lighting market is full of hope and expectation.  LED civil lighting market is not very optimistic There are several reasons :  1 ,tiffany floor lamp, LED civil lighting market is yet to start a large-scale , the LED low permeability .  LED civilian lighting marketing less supportive policies .  3 LED civilian lighting prices are also high , the direct impact of the increasing use of LED lighting into the average family , and LED lighting .  4, the lack of full understanding of social LED lighting , LED lighting popularization slower . The  ......  Although LED civil lighting market is not very optimistic , but with the LED price decline ,brass wall lamp, LED promotion support policies , incandescent FMCT delisting LED civil lighting market is still relatively optimistic .
作者: ijnkz    时间: 2013-3-7 21:18

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