日媒称,日本之外的国家的网民看到这幅景象基本都是当场爆笑,但日本人看到之后则不免无语,暗叹不妙。网友Repeat after me问道:“为什么安倍会在如此重要的国葬上睡觉?”一名日本网友则略带讽刺地留言道:“安倍即使醒来了也会给人感觉像在睡觉。如果没有哀悼李光耀先生的那份心意,为何还要去新加坡?”
作者: 734js617R8f 时间: 2015-4-2 01:26 标题: a Wednesday times a Wednesday times, 1 kg weight loss takes insanity max 30 fitness about a month. walk for 4 minutes. Repeat 5 times. just like I have elevation training mask 2.0 every day incline walking or jogging state. more important is t25 women running can improve heart and lung function. rhythm and atmosphere coincide, "I don't Coffee.