
标题: 新蔡云南哪里有买15823226322 [打印本页]

作者: 华达琦鑫    时间: 2015-6-18 02:09
标题: 新蔡云南哪里有买15823226322
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苏省南京无锡徐州苏州常州 南通盐城连云港淮安泰州扬州
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黑龙江齐齐哈尔哈尔滨鹤岗鸡西大庆绥化 双鸭山佳木斯牡丹江七台河大兴安岭黑河伊春
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甘肃省兰州白银金昌武威天水嘉峪关 酒泉张掖平凉定西庆阳陇南
作者: h6G8kB7o0Y    时间: 2015-6-20 06:06
标题: performing
the abdomen.
   belly dance has become the new hot spot of fitness, body not swinging foot to hold on, organ Party and  workshaop AC activity. Huang Meimei  jumped in class-break setting-up exercise "to find a friend" fall, a teacher, expand the influence project, quasi low input, do Orchid Hand page 1 2 Egypt twisted cross the last action, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular softening etc. Every action in addition to the requirements of physical dance have the corresponding adjusting function Modern Egyptian: Egyptian Belly Dance Group cabaret (performing) genre is very introverted elegant and often contains some ballet movements Muscle control is in  the center of trunk for small amplitude slow dancing spindle Pay more attention to expression of emotion Because many Egyptian Muslim conservative traditional costumes dress dancers The way to perform fusion mixing strings drums and singing modern dancers Because of the emphasis on controlling muscle so the action  range is relatively small Graceful rhythm "is a great little (less is more)" is their concept of the dance elegant slightly and the action level action detailed oriented Turkey faction Belly Dance: and  this completely different style of the Turkey faction "how good (anything goes)" they dance more in line with the concept of agglomeration dynamic dance style dramatic action gorgeous and unrestrained Jumping and hip action and hip West fan (shimmy) is very common Turkey belongs to the European open dancers often wear very little clothing gorgeous and expensive more customized please teacher But the bold and clothing is  not exposed out of this style but the characteristic Common in the night or in the restaurant show headquarters With the rapid and vibration of hip (shimmy) is famous for many west Not so subtle features like Egyptian style Perform dancers used to wear shoes The Middle Eastern dance style also appeared in  Turkey with Egyptian style of music and dance performances have been adapted Egyptian style dance Belly Dance:  Lebanese factions Lebanese factions together with the elegant and moving around the suspension and a little dancing ballet composition The Lebanese style is more close to the Egyptian style but larger in action is also more obvious effect of ballet The dancers are often used for stage performance venues movement and dramatic tension is the popular elements of the show : belly dance originated from the folk USA mix of dance of the wind it is also becoming popular in britain Inspired folk wind dancer dance mix includes India style belly dance Lang Mingge Buddha toonie >
   in the cheerful atmosphere.
作者: love1LpnK    时间: 2015-6-26 02:04

微商论坛 88fanxian.com
作者: emurq    时间: 2015-6-27 15:52

作者: bbdee    时间: 2015-6-28 18:49
这个方面的话题的 都讨论一下

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作者: 沉冬焓莹辰泽    时间: 2015-7-4 01:23


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