A. 1, and other methods, the slightest mistake will be injured, ensure the power forward can prevent deformation action after fatigue. oxygen demand increased, After walking, three. sports vocabulary (C-E) sports game _____________ _____________ championship finals _____________ _____________ knockout _____________ _____________ ranked the world record _____________ audience _____________ _____________ _____________ athletes coaches referee participant _____________The opening ceremony of the closing ceremony of focus t25 the _____________ _____________ stadium _____________ torch _____________ _____________ _____________ running long jump rope skipping jog _____________ _____________ high jump _____________ Badminton (field) _____________ tennis (field) _____________ focus t25 (football field) _____________ basketball (field) _____________ (golf field) _____________ rowing _____________ Taijiquan _____________ _____________ _____________ Taekwondo judo karate _____________ racing _____________ boxing _____________ swimming _____________ surfing _____________ skating _____________ 4. control precision. |
沙发,板凳都没偶的份了。 交友:我是个小女生,21岁,独生子女,还没谈过恋爱,长相较好,反正带出去不会给你丢脸,身高165cm,体重50kg,现在是一家公司的文员。希望找个比我大几岁的男生,不需要你有非常好的条件,但一定要有上进心,会体贴女生,不花心。因为我是第一次恋爱,所以希望找的就是那种能结婚的。如果你是我说的那个他,那就加我微信吧:pndrwx |