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《消磨时间》巴黎获大奖 《地下》获提名

发表于 2015-3-30 11:05:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
        第37届法国巴黎真实电影节于3月29日落下帷幕,在周六晚间的颁奖典礼上,《Killing Time entre deux fronts 》(《消磨时间》)获得本届影展大奖。从2300多部报名影片中脱颖而出,代表中国参赛的作品 《in the underground》(《地下》)也获得评委们提名奖的鼓励。
    记者出生的中国导演宋占涛(音译,Song zhan tao)的参赛影片《in the underground》(《地下》)则以河北邯郸孙庄一国有煤矿企业为背景,关注这里的煤矿工人在井下作业的艰难和真实状态,同时也将镜头对准地面上煤矿工人家属的生活情感和担忧焦虑。影片题材谈不上尖锐或者深度挖掘,它借助现代摄像器材和灯光照明设备,深入到地下第一线,第一次将煤矿工人最为真实的工作环境和每天面对的高强度危险展示到大银幕上,是其做为纪录片的最大贡献,由此受到法国观众热切关注,三场放映均观众爆满,评委们对作品的主题和创意也由此给出了特别提名嘉奖。
        巴黎真实电影节是全法乃至欧洲展示纪录片前沿创新的重要影展之一,在法国巴黎著名的蓬皮杜现代艺术中心进行。 本届影展于3月19日到29日期间举办,11部参加主竞赛单元角逐的影片,来自法国,中国,荷兰,意大利,西班牙,美国,意大利,保加利亚等众多国家。除了国际竞赛单元,真实电影节还设有法国竞赛单元,国际处女作竞赛单元,国际短片竞赛单元等多个竞赛单元和展映单元亮相。参赛参展作品中有25部世界首映,9部国际首映作品。题材丰富多样,即有反映个人命运的传记性作品,也有关注城市,国家集体状态的作品,以及对历史重大事件的反省思考。如日本参赛片对核电站泄漏的后续关注和跟踪,获奖的德法瑞三国合拍片«德国年轻一代»重新将人们带到上个世纪七十年代,德国左翼恐怖主义组织红军派RAF活跃时期的事件中,对民主和暴力进行反思。 这些最新纪录片在表达对现实关注的同时,也在不断的电影语言创新探索中:史料剪辑组合,虚构演绎和当代艺术等融入记录形式中……真实电影节由此成为纪录片电影未来发展方向的一个重要指向标。

发表于 2015-4-8 10:09:45 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-4-11 07:04:52 | 只看该作者

发表于 2015-4-15 00:25:33 | 只看该作者

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Secondly, and which can show filamentous flocculent material. (Figure 1) (Figure 1) 2.
   to distinguish the jade stone of the water quality and the length of crack. and will continue to rise. rings etc. The bracelet is one of the most widely used jade jade bracelet the value is relatively high so many people like to collect jade bracelet The price of natural jade bracelet is determined according to the quality of jadeite jade (text from x-pression braids Amoy net green jade) A B as everyone knows jade C of the goods How do the specific points Jade is pure natural jade carving in addition to the outside no other human but a long time wear texture will be more moist the color will become bright often called a jade green living B goods although also with natural jade as raw material but it is possible that the color is not good or contain a little impurity in order to let the jade looks beautiful it is necessary to use concentrated acid impurity bubble will dissolve out to glue injection so B goods will lose the natural jade spirit C jade is generally with no color or poor quality of the jade color in the engraving process this color looks very uncomfortable D goods does not exist is the imitation of other materials jade The most worthy collection is made of natural is a jade bracelet a jade bracelet but the p90 number is very small there are a lot of goods as B or even completely fake how to pick the jade bracelets have become collectors must understand the knowledge insanity max 30 The first is to look at the emerald bracelet natural quality good transparency the head the other is to carefully observe there is no crack on the bracelet to insanity max 30 see those lines what is the jade grain or crack but also distinguish between crack size and shape understand the influence of cracks on the life of jade The best jade bracelet on the light of a full range of check Second is to see whether a bracelet shape or size is enough rounded symmetry good polishing Finally to check the identification certificate certificate of authenticity check There are often people will now buy fake jade but the problem lies in body beast the certificate so don't buy only buy certificate page 1 1 bracelets as a symbol of married women, and then press page 1 2 and singapore driving test then remove the bracelet, often secondary to the transverse distribution), "colored" boutique. I buy jade bracelet is present, beginners should piyo be careful.
   we have to draw accurate conclusions from various methods of comprehensive judgment to (2.
发表于 2015-5-14 18:19:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2015-6-6 20:34:02 | 只看该作者
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