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发表于 2015-5-26 20:36:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Natural Medicine For Babies
Three week old Max Sprague had a hard tummy, severe gas, and explosive greenish poop   despite the anti gas drops his pediatrician had suggested. So his mom, Sara, of New York City, turned to an alternative remedy known as probiotics. She dabbed a probiotic powder   called Baby's Jarro Dophilus and designed for infants   on her nipples before nursing. In 24 hours, the gas disappeared and Max's poop was a normal seedy, mustardlike consistency.
Sprague's experience isn't unique. Parents are increasingly asking their pediatricians about complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices such as aromatherapy, homeopathy, and probiotics   and getting the green light. "This is a consumer led revolution. "Compelling research has shown that probiotics significantly cut the duration and severity of infant diarrhea, which can cause dehydration, " she notes. Some doctors recommend using probiotics every time a child is given antibiotics to oakley sunglasses outlet restore the beneficial bugs the medicine eliminates and to control antibiotic related diarrhea. Other small studies are finding that probiotics may also help rayban sunglasses with colic and eczema.
can be found at pharmacies and health food stores, but ask your baby's doctor to recommend a brand (Florastor Kids, Lactinex, and Culturelle are popular) and how to administer it. A refrigerated supplement with a mixture of live bacteria, described louis vuitton outlets on the label as having 5 billion to 10 billion CFUs of powdered probiotics, is most effective.
The safety quotient: are discount ray ban sunglasses well studied, so pediatricians often recommend them without hesitation.
Herbal Tea
What it is: an herbal remedy made from a plant's leaves, roots, stems, or flowers
For: colic, gastric distress
Why it works: Although most herbs are too strong and untested for infants (and some, such as star anise, can be downright dangerous), doctors often recommend chamomile or fennel tea for gas and colic. "Studies have confirmed that these two herb teas reduce crying time in colicky infants, " says the AAP's Dr. Rosen. The usual advice: Steep one herb or a combination of both in hot water, then let it cool to lukewarm. Serve your baby one ounce doses three to four times a day. The nontoxic ingredients are all found in nature and used in minuscule amounts.
For: teething, colds, colic, bruises, allergies
Why it works: works on the premise that a natural substance that causes symptoms in its pure form will prod the body to heal itself when diluted extensively (similar to the way vaccines work). Homeopathic remedies performed as well as conventional drugs for respiratory illnesses   and worked faster   in an Austrian study last year of both adults and children.
Your doctor will likely recommend starting with prepackaged homeopathic remedies sold in drug  and health food stores. Follow the dosage for babies exactly, crushing the pellets into a powder that you can slip into your child's mouth during feedings. For more complex conditions, some physicians may refer you to a trained homeopath for a customized remedy. When some scents are inhaled into the lungs, they have a therapeutic effect (think of Vicks BabyRub). The National Association for Holistic  recommends matching scent to symptom: eucalyptus is helpful for congestion, peppermint for headaches, and ylang ylang or lavender for relaxation and sleep. For little ones, a oakley outlet physician will usually suggest putting a few drops of a specific essential oil into the bath or on a handkerchief that's then placed in the nursery near the crib.
For babies who are fussy or in pain, however, any familiar scent may help to calm them. One recent study found that babies who had been exposed to vanillin (a synthetic form of vanilla)   on a scarf in their crib or on their nursing mother's skin   were about half as likely to cry when they smelled the scent again during a heel stick than babies who sniffed it for the first time just before the procedure.相关的主题文章:

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