2017年1月1日起,最低工资从每小时9.67€上涨到每小时9.76€,每月多挣了11欧元,税后的最低工资也变为了1153 €
January 1st is often a time for change and in France it’s no different with several new laws and price hikes coming into existence that will affect life in France.
Here’s a rundown of main ones you need to know about.
1-Minimum wage rises but you won’t notice it
As reported earlier this month by The Local, the minimum wage, known as the SMIC will rise ever so slightly as of January 1st. In fact the jump is so miniscule, anyone on the minimum wage will almost certainly not notice it.
The hourly rate will rise by 9 cents from €9.67 to €9.76, which will equate to a rise of around €11 a month – enough for croque monsieur avec frites. After tax anyone earning the SMIC will take home around €1,153 a month next year.
2-Time off to help the elderly or disabled
From January 1st workers will be able to take unpaid leave of up to three months to help care for an elderly or disabled person. The worker will not have to prove a family link to the person they are caring for.
3-Some may not need to pay at the doctors
The new health law passed last July that means patients will no longer have to pay up front when seeing a general doctor.
From January it will come into force, although only for pregnant women or people with long term illnesses.
These two groups of patients will no longer be required to pay upfront, however everyone else will have to wait until November 2017, before they too, can leave their €23 at home.
4-Help for hard-up youths
Young people aged 16 to 25 years old who are in a precarious situation in terms of work will from next year be able to access the “youth guarantee”(garantie jeunes).
This guarantee works out at a financial benefit of €460 a month for a year and they will also receive specialist help to access training or the jobs market.
5-No need for a divorce judge
It will no longer be obligatory for couples who agree by mutual consent to a divorce to go through a judge. From January 1st “amicable” divorces can be settled by a simple “contract of divorce” signed by lawyers and registered with a notary.
6-Bank charges to rise
Anyone with a French bank account and a debit card will have to fork out more for it next year. As reported in The Local earlier this month the fees imposed for banking services will rise next year, in some cases quite significantly.
One report says the fee for having an account could rise as much as 13 percent.
7-No plastic bags for fruit and veg
While plastic bags were banned from supermarkets in France back in July, the ban will be extended to fruit and veg markets. From January onwards bags used for fruit and veg must be made of a biodegradable substance, like paper.
8-Paris vehicles to get “pollution stickers”
A new sticker system (vignettes) will be rolled out in mid-January that means all vehicles in the French capital must have a sticker that corresponds to how polluting it is.
The stickers are all colour coded with green for the cleanest cars and grey for the most pollutant. In future when there are spikes in air pollution those with the “dirtiest” cars will have to leave them at home.