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[绝对原创] 瞿倩梅联合国教科文画展讲话!

发表于 2012-6-1 11:55:35 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]首先,我要感谢联合国教科文组织再次邀请我来巴黎总部举办个展,我的心情十分激动,不仅是因为我又回到了这个熟悉的地方,更因为这个展览的总主题“天地之间”具有普世性和很深的文化内涵。我这次带来了一个中国艺术家对天,地,时间的崇敬与思考,也希望通过我的视角,让前来观展的人了解天地在中国人心目中的形象与地位。
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]我的个展题目是“天地时间”,作品含三个系列:时间化石,运动化石,色彩化石。概括来说,这批作品,借用吉尔 德勒兹的术语,可以统称为时间画面和运动画面,而这些动态画面被我进行了静态分切,形成了一块块化石状结晶体,这是流动与凝固组成的美,也是天地之间的印记之美。我选用化石来命名,是因为化石本身是原材料,它的形成是原生态,它既具象,又抽象,既写实,又神秘,而我用的绘画材料是原材料,我捕捉的时间和运动是原状态。我将它们变成化石,因为我认为化石从来不是死的,它有生命,只是这个生命被瞬间凝固了。在天地之间,放眼细观,存在无数这样的现实化石,审美化石,其实,我们常说的印记就是一种非物质化石。我衷心的希望我对天,地的肤浅理解和表现能够得到来宾的认同和喜爱。
[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]最后我要感谢联合国教科文组织法国委员会主席:让 奥杜兹先生;联合国教科文组织法国委员会秘书长:威廉 法沃赫先生:CCIC主席:卡特琳娜 德昂布勒女士;PG主席:洛朗 马扎神父;尤其感谢联合国教科文组织负责文化事务副秘书长:弗朗西斯科 班德林先生,他为我的画册题写序言,还要感谢我的合作伙伴Desard老板:阿努克 冯 德 维尔德女士;Luxese画廊合作者:克里斯蒂娜女士,我的经纪人和老友:帕斯卡尔 弗贡先生,以及我的中国朋友们,北京大学教授:董强先生,他用汉语和法语撰写了一篇匠心独具的评论;我的恩师,中央美院教授,张元先生,他为我的参展作品提出了宝贵意见;以及未能到场的给我很多帮助的朋友们。最后祝大家参观愉快。

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]First of all, I want to thank the United Nations and UNESCO, who invited me to their Paris headquarters to hold an exhibition. I feel very pleased, not only because have I returned to a familiar place, but because this exhibition and its overall theme of "Between Heaven and Earth" should have a universal and deep cultural connotation for everyone. This time, I come with works that contain my contemplations and considerations about the Heavens, Earth and Time. I hope from my perspective and expression in this art, to allow others to see these ideas from a particular Chinese sensibility.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]My solo exhibition, entitled "World Time", contains three series: Fossils of Time, Fossils of Motion, and Fossils of Color.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]Generally speaking, this batch of works can be partly explained by the words of the academic, Gil Deleuze. He expressed the idea that some paintings can give the viewer an impression of a time; a feeling of motion. But my particular way to express this vibrancy is to cut the movement into a static condition. Then, you will see some pieces of fossils, which combine the beauty of the normally opposite conditions of motion and the static condition, which I have attempted to contain within one art piece. This, in my view, is a mark of beauty between the heavens and earth.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]I used the term “fossil”, when naming my art, because the fossil itself is a raw and natural material. It is formed from the original ecosystem: it is figurative, but abstract; stark, yet mysterious. The painting materials I use are also from nature. I have captured the beauty of time and motion in a form from nature. I make them into a fossil, because I believe the fossil can be timeless.  It has a life of its own. It is frozen in a particular state.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]Between Heaven and Earth, once we open our eyes, and our heart, we can see an infinite amount beauty anywhere. So, I believe, this kind of mark is an intangible fossil.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]I sincerely hope my understanding, and the expression of these ideas can be appreciated by my honored guests.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.917969)]Finally, I should thank the following: the United Nations UNESCO French Committee Chairman: Mr. Orduz; the UNESCO French Committee Secretary General: William Favog: the Chairman of the CCIC: Katerina de lady Manningham-Buller; the chairman of the PG: Laurent campstool priest; and my special thanks to UNESCO and the Cultural Affairs Deputy Secretary: Francesco Bandlin for writing the preface to my catalog. I would also like to thank my collaborative partner, the boss of Desard: Anouk von de Wilde; the Luxese Gallery partners: Ms Christina, my agent and friend: Mr. Pascale Fugong, and my Chinese friends: Mr. Dong Qiang, a Peking University Professor who wrote an article in Chinese and French, which contains great and original comments; my mentor, Mr. Zhang Yuan, a Professor from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, as he offered precious opinions regarding my work; and finally I wish to thank those who could not attend today. I hope you have a pleasant experience.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-2 21:28:24 | 只看该作者
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